Twitter Articles for Lenghty Tweets Might Launch Soon

Renowned reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong hinted at the launch of the Twitter Articles feature via a tweet recently. You can expect to find a dedicated section for the Articles feature on Twitter, allowing users to post long-form tweets without worrying about the current 280-character limit. Twitter is working on “Twitter Articles” and the ability to create one within TwitterPossibility a new longform format on Twitter— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) February 2, 2022
This feature will come in handy when a user wants to post something important that just can’t be concise. It will also dismiss the need for creating multiple threads to talk about a certain topic or posting images with the whole text. All in all, it will make the whole process a lot easier.
This feature, if it launches, will prove to be the total opposite of Twitter’s “short and sweet” format. To recall, back in the day, it had a character limit of 140, which later got doubled back in 2017. It would be interesting to see how the feature works and if it attracts users. However, you should know that not much is known about the alleged Twitter Articles feature. There’s no word on when it will roll out to users. There are chances it may never see the light of the day, considering companies conduct a lot of tests but it’s not necessary for all of them to turn into the final product. But Twitter is pushing out new features at lightning speeds, so we are hopeful. The company recently added the ability to set NFT profile pictures on the platform.
That said, a launch might be in the pipeline sooner rather than later. We will update you with official details soon. Hence, stay tuned, and do tell us about your thoughts on this new feature in the comments below!