Instagram Gets New Parental Controls

The new parental supervision tools on Instagram will be a part of the Family Center. With these tools, parents will be able to see how much time their children spend on Instagram and will also be able to set some daily limits. They will also be able to see who their children follow or the ones that follow the children.
Plus, parents will be able to know if and when their kids report someone on the social media platform. For now, parents will have to request control over their children’s usage who will have the right to accept the request. And they are the ones who can initiate supervision.
However, starting June, the ability to initiate supervision will also be handed to the parents. Additionally, more parental features will be introduced soon by Instagram. The list will include the ability to set limit hours and give control to more than one parent. Parental supervision tools are currently available in the US and are said to eventually reach other places in the coming months.
Instagram has also included an Education Hub in the Family Center for parents to access resources from experts such as videos, tips, and even articles on ways to talk to kids about social media.

VR Parental Controls Introduced Too

Meta has also introduced VR parental supervision tools, which will reach Quest devices in May. These will include unlock pattern on Quest headsets so that teenagers don’t access VR content that isn’t apt for them and starting April, IARC-rated content will be blocked for children aged 13+.
Instagram will also introduce a Parents Dashboard with supervision tools that will be linked with a kid’s profile, of course, with approval from both the kids and the parents. Furthermore, Instagram will continue to let parents, kids, and experts collaborate for better feedback.